Ceremonial Smoke

Setting the stage for a shift in consciousness


Resin Incense & Burnable Herbs

Your meditation practice, intentional workings and housecleaning days deserve the extra boost of the aromatic offerings. Incense is the way we incorporate the element of fire into our ceremonial practices. It has spiritual benefits as well as physically cleaning and disinfecting the air in our homes and offices. Since aroma is the sense most closely linked to memories, adding clean incense burning to your life can help you rewire your neurology by connecting the time for meditation with the new scent, and you will fall into a deeper and more profound inner experience more quickly. It can also change your housekeeping tasks into an afternoon of self care as you dance and clap your way through your home allowing the cleansing smoke to lift away stagnant energies. Have fun with it, and it becomes an event instead of a chore.


Herbs & Resins

  • Probably the most well known and used herb for clearing spaces, sage is a powerful ceremonial choice, and a daily clearing ally

    Buy Ceremonial Sage

  • Palo Santo wood is a cherished tool for uplifting the mood and grounding the spirit

    Buy Palo Santo

  • Dragon’s Blood is a tree resin from the Socotra tree that is blood red in color. Beautiful, haunting, and distinct, dragon’s blood resin is an amazing cleanser of space. Absolutely transformative!

    Buy Dragon's Blood Resin

  • Frankincense is a tree resin from the Boswellia tree. Beautiful, captivating and very sacred, a perfect choice for your meditation space.

    Buy Frakincense Resin

  • Celebratory and full of joy! Sweetgrass is just like it sounds, sweet, friendly, fresh. It is sold braided, so will be easy to spot when shopping around. Enjoy it! It’s a treat!

    Buy Sweetgrass Braids