Color Therapy

Color is another expression of frequency visually perceivable through varied wavelengths of light. As light is distinguished from complete solution with Source, it will refract into individualized rays of colors and tell a new story of it’s own. Most of us have a favorite color, or a particular palate that we might gravitate towards. This is natural and just one more way in which we as individuals express our uniqueness. Color as used in therapeutics is a direct way to influence our energetic system by bypassing the critical mind and joining with the fluctuations of the subconscious. There are many ways to add color to your life for therapeutic purposes, and it is a very instinctual process to let go and feel free to choose what color feels right to you in the moment. Playfulness and a childlike sense may arise by allowing the creative self to rise up in color therapy. Enjoy the process, let go, and PLAY!!