Journal Your Internal

Writing out your thoughts can be cathartic. Even if you didn’t know you needed to get stuff off your chest, you probably did. Getting “backed up” in terms of expressing your internal processing both mentally and emotionally is just like getting physically constipated. It’s going to bog you down, cast a shadow over everything else you are experiencing both day and night, and it’s coming out eventually somehow, someway, and it’s probably not going to be very comfortable or pretty. By consciously opening that release valve of getting your feelings down on paper, you can own your processing, and sift through the grit. Not only will you create mental space for new ideas and creative flow to happen, but you will be offering yourself undivided attention. You need that type of Love, and if you’re not giving it to yourself, you may not be able to truly receive it from others either. Put on your own oxygen mask by listening to You. You’re worth hearing, and deserving of that type of Loving attention.